Wednesday, February 29, 2012

mmm, real food

Today is the first day since Saturday that I haven't wanted to shove a knife in my stomach and just end the damn rumbly tumbly pain. I'd managed to catch some pesky stomach bug and let me tell you, it has been oh-so-very less than pleasant. Eating just about anything caused my stomach to feel all sorts of wonky (in the bad way), so for the past few days, I've had that permanently-hungry-yet-can't-really-eat-much feeling.

Finally, today, I feel back to normal and can once again, enjoy what I'm eating. So, for today, I've allowed myself to eat whatever the fuck I want.

That means for breakfast, I had two bacon wraps from Dunkin' Donuts. For lunch, I had a Kobe beef burger with blue cheese and bacon. And right now, I'm about to eat these. Remember these? I don't eat an awful lot of candy but if someone gave me a bazillion of these tasty little bastards, I'm fairly certain I could eat every last one.


But I don't have a bazillion Bottle Caps. So, I'm only going to eat these three here.

A salad for dinner probably won't hurt.

Monday, February 27, 2012

the perfect opportunity to use my new Golden Girls .gifs!

I've been MIA here for quite some time, huh? I suppose it's time to come clean with the deep, dark secret as to why. No, I haven't been living on the streets or hanging out in jail or running from the law so as to avoid hanging out in jail.

I've been busy being smitten and somewhere along the line, falling head over ass for a guy who, when I know I'm going to get to see him, makes me feel this giddy:

And for every moment of togetherness that follows (and during the times we're not together), he makes me this happy:

I haven't written much about it because actually putting it out there in public almost makes me feel like I'm jinxing things. Or that, should it crash and burn someday, this is going to be one of those posts I'll look back on and read and think, "yeah, ya dumbass. See why you don't do that much?," which will result in my, once again, toughening up and bidding adieu to My Vulnerability once and for all.

But life's a risk, ain't it? So is love. And honestly, it's pretty nice to finally be comfortable taking it.

That's a lie. It's fucking delightful.