We had a town hall-style meeting the other day at work during which we were told of the impending screwing the economy will be providing us. As of July 1st, all employees will be given a schedule that gives us every other Friday off without pay, which equals about a 10% paycut.

We'll be expected to adhere to the schedule HR provides in order to "ensure the firm remains open every Friday" but should we need to adjust it, it will be at the discretion of our Managing Directors and seeing as though I work for some of the more relaxed people here, I'm hoping it won't be a problem ganking the Fridays I actually need. A couple weeks ago, I decided to use one of my free Southwest flights for my birthday weekend because this year, it falls on Labor Day, which is already a paid day off. So come the morning of September 4th, I'll be flying out to Denver to meet my best friend and her hubby, spending the day in Denver, and driving back to their place in Nebraska for the rest of the weekend. Hopefully, I can work it so that I can take that Friday as my unpaid day and save a PTO day. Plus, I believe there are a few remaining holidays this year that land on a Friday, in which case we've been told we have to take the day before as our unpaid day. It's still unpaid but it does make for a longer holiday weekend.
Overall, I'm displeased. I had a big, long post written out the other day about how my financial situation is looking up and how great it feels to watch my available balance on my credit cards consistently going up instead of playing seesaw with me. The paycut isn't going to send me to the streets but it's certainly going to put a noticeable dent in things and halt the progress I've made so far this year. I'm trying very hard to put a positive twist on things and I do truly appreciate the fact that the downside (a cut in pay) is accompanied by an upside (bonus day off). Hell, I'm not calling the state for a measly unemployment check this morning, so I've got that goin' for me.
But it still sucks ass.
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