a new year.
I can't say 2008 was spectacular but I can't say it was sucktastic. I feel pretty lukewarm about 2008, which is why I haven't really felt the need examine it too closely with the onset of the new year. But now I kinda feel like it. So there.
Resolutions have never been my thing because I've never been much of a goal kind of gal. I can handle short-terms goals but anything long-term usually winds up pretty quickly in the shitter. However, I do realize things don't just fall out of the sky into my lap and that I need to work toward them. There are some things that have no clear end and I don't need to put a check mark next to them on my "to do" list in order to know I've accomplished something. So in that vein...
- As I sat at Caribou yesterday, I realized how genuinely happy I felt to sit there sipping coffee and writing. When I couldn't find the words, I poked around the web, checked the ol' Facebook page, emailed, and eventually got back to the writing. It was delightful and I'm pretty sure it was partly responsible for the rest of my great day. I will do it more often.
- Although I still know I never want to have children of my own, the time I spent with the world's most adorable 7-year-old over Christmas will be one of those holiday memories I'll talk about years from now. I love being around my family more and more every time I go back to New York and now that it involves my brother having a family of his own that includes a daughter we all consider to be our own, I want to do it as much I can. I will do it more often.
- In order to accomplish that, I need to summon my slayer strength and claw my way out of my grave. "Insert my full name here. She's in debt. A lot." My next paycheck will reflect my recent 8% raise, which is a cri-zazy great raise these days. If I can't pay my bills, enjoy life a little here and there, and stash away some money with that, I have some very serious money management problems. So I need to throw a little of that extra money in savings and just let it sit there. I will do it more often.
- I re-connected with a couple friends over this past year, one of whom I only grew apart with because I changed jobs and she had a baby. Since our mutual friend's wedding this past October, we've been emailing to keep in touch better and have made plans to have drinks now that the holidays are over. I have few close friends here in Chicago and my best friend in Iowa is about to move even farther away. So I need to continue working to maintain those friendships that aren't as geographically desirable or as convenient as I'd like them to be. I will do it more often.
There always have been and always will be tons of things beyond my control. Here's to focusing on the things that aren't.
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