A. I'm the lucky recipient of a morning headache for the 3rd morning in a row! *throws confetti* As someone who doesn't typically enjoy being around people unless she genuinely likes them and enjoys their presence, headaches suck extra hard for me because if I'm at work, I'm even more of an apparent bitch than I usually am. I know the fact that I can't seem to fall asleep to save my life is part of that and I know why I can't seem to fall asleep to save my life but I'm not quite sure yet how to nip that problem in the bud.
B. I saw a billboard this morning for a vodka brand that had on it just a bottle of their vodka and the line, "sex sells. But it has nothing to do with making great vodka." It made me smile. Kudos to you, vodka company I can't remember.
3. I'm psyched that after this season, I'll have one less thing to DVR since CSI without William Petersen is like...well, I don't know what but it's entirely pointless. If before he leaves, I don't get to watch him and Lady Heather engage in some adult activities involving some sort of leather and restraints and dirty words, I'ma have to write to CBS.
5. I'm super antsy to head back to New York next month. So far, the plan is to spend a couple nights at my aunt's place, now that she's left my uncle and has an apartment of her own. We've always been close but we talk much more often now that she isn't running all over upstate New York running his errands and doing charts and billing and all the other crap she did for his office. Other than that, the parentals and I are going to take a trip up to Harrisville and stay at the lake for a few days. I think it'll be great for my mom to get away after going through her recent health problems, I think it's always great for my dad to get away for a few days and not have to drive his usual 3 hours to and from work every day, and I'm looking forward to a little...solitude and self-reflection before my birthday this year. My brother, his girlfriend, and her daughter are also trying to get some time off to come too, which I think will be great. As much as I tend to not really be a fan of children, I hate that she gets to spend weekends with my parents and they get to see her regularly and I feel like I'm..."that's Andy's sister...Remember her? She's not around here very much."
I've always liked birthdays and getting older has never bothered me. Hell, I like having a year's worth of new lessons and knowledge to draw on. But after my last grandparent died this past Christmas, I've been feeling like turning 30 is a bit different than I thought it would be. I've never been much of a planner and I still don't ever want to think to myself, "okay, this is where I'll be in 3 years and this is where I'll be in 5 and in 10, I'm going to be doing this." But there are some things I'm unhappy with and some things I'd like to change. I've just got to figure out how to make those things happen.
Hopefully, I'll return to Chicago with a new...or at least, adjusted...outlook on some things and I'll be ready for my co-worker and I to jump our asses out of a plane 14,000 feet up in the air, free fall for nearly 60 seconds, and then coast safely to the ground to meet our non-deaths. Which will replace my 27th birthday spent at the gorgeous Pacific Ocean with my 30th birthday spent skydiving, as my best birthday ever!
I Rebuke This Comeback in the Name of Rattails
4 weeks ago
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