Although I'm not on television and today will pretty much be spent in an office, I hereby vow to say the following words at least once today. Just 'cause I can.
1. shit
2. piss
3. fuck
4. cunt
5. cocksucker
6. mother fucker
7. tits
Of course, my truck driver mouth tends to spit out most of them throughout the course of the day with the exception of #4, which I never use in reference to another person simply because I don't consider it an insult. Really, when's the last time you heard a bunch of guys sitting around saying, "you know what I really hate? Cunts. I'd be perfectly happy to never be near one again. I think I'll turn that word into a horrible, ugly insult."
Please. If you'd like to insult me, please do it a little more intelligently. K, thanks.
So really, that leaves me very little context with which to work. Which leaves me forced to be even more wildly inappropriate at work than I usually am and use it as yet another word for hoo-ha, bajingo, vajayjay, naughty bits, etc.
I Rebuke This Comeback in the Name of Rattails
4 weeks ago
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