Wednesday, November 18, 2009

how *do* you solve a problem like anticipation?

When cleaning out one's closet a week before Thanksgiving, it just makes good space-saving sense to pull out the 4.5-foot apartment-sized Christmas tree out and set it up in one's apartment-sized apartment, don't you think? Yeah, me too. I know it's a bit on the early side but while I was doing it, I figured I might as well get out the decorations and have at it. I'm antsy, damnit and I will not be ashamed.

Even though decoration-wise, I'm somewhat skipping over Thanksgiving, I'm very much excited for it this year; more so than I have been in the past. Since having moved to Chicago a gazillion years ago (okay, seven), I've spent several Thanksgivings by myself, which doesn't bother me. But this year, the parental units are hopping on the train, which will allow us to finally spend the holiday in my home instead of theirs. I do wish my brother could tag along so the four of us could spend it together but it gets a bit easier every year to adapt to the ever-changing holiday traditions.

This year, we're changing it up big time by not cooking dinner on Thanksgiving Day and instead, going out. Mom and Dad and I will be headed to for what I've heard is a delicious traditional Thanksgiving dinner. They'll be arriving a week from today, which is the day of the tree lighting ceremony at Daley Plaza. I've seen the tree plenty of times but I've never been to the ceremony and it's something my parents would love to see as well, so that's Item #1 on the intinerary.

'Cause what's not to love about watching Christmas come alive in the city?

(Photo stolen from here.)

The rest of the plans for the long weekend involve roaming around to see the downtown holiday lights / decorations and Friday night, we'll be going to The Sound of Music Sing-a-Long at Music Box Theatre, an awesome within-walking-distance theatre known for its independent and foreign films.

The next weekend? It's off to New York City with my mother and aunts and cousins for a Girls' Christmas Weekend!

I heart the holidays.

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