Josh and I met online. I had posted what I'm sure was a stunningly witty ad on Craislist and we emailed back and forth a bit before we met one night for a few drinks at Kuma's. We had a lovely time and our conversation revolving around the theory that members of the opposite sex know if they would sleep with the other within the first few minutes of their first meeting quickly led to our acknowledgment that a resounding "yes" was our answer when we asked ourselves that question.
We had some kind of non-memorable food in order to stave off drunkenness and after having just enough drinks to give ourselves a good buzz but still maintain our everyday judgement, we headed outside to catch the bus back to our respective apartments. While huddled in the doorway of the abandoned nail salon across the street, a little kissing ensued. And then a little groping ensued. And when bordering-on-indecent-exposure behaviour was about to ensue, we pulled away from each other and both managed to ask, "cab?"
We cabbed it back to my place where we spent the night together and quickly began what would turn into a pattern of...fairly constant togetherness.
One of our conversations at the bar earlier that night was about his love of all things Whedon-esque and how he couldn't get over the fact I had never seen an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I agreed to watch a few episodes to see if I'd like it, the next day I added the first season to my Netflix queue, and when the little gift of awesomeness made its way to my mailbox, he came over one night after work, we started watching, and after the third episode, I was completely hooked. On Buffy and lounging in bed watching it together.
As a theatre techie and a writer, he did a lot of volunteer work at a local theatre, so on occasion, we caught a show. We met up some nights after work and grabbed a few drinks. One night we met at Simon's, hung out and talked for a bit and walked back to my place, stopping at the park by my place and playing on the playground for what seemed like forever.
But our routine quickly became one of him coming over after work, chatting about our days, ordering in, watching some Buffy episodes, hardly ever being able to watch an entire episode without having to pause it for a bit. I think at one point, he hadn't slept in his own apartment in just under two weeks because he was always at mine.
We pretty much met, had sex, and found ourselves in a relationship. But it was never an isolated event, it was never a "must happen" kind of thing, and it, by far, wasn't all there was to it. I remember he emailed me once asking if I would download some BG episodes for him if be brought over CDs, and joking that we could work out some dirty, filthy things as payment. I responded by telling him I was glad to download them for him but that I've never been a believer in quid pro quo and would never expect anything in return, especially anything sexual. His next email is quite possibly one of best ones I've ever received and simply said, "just so you know, I like you. A lot."
It was pretty routine but it was just good. I think Mr. Cusack said it the best...he "didn't make me miserable, or anxious, or ill at ease. You know, it sounds boring, but it wasn't. It wasn't spectacular either. It was just good. But really good."
It worked.
Until it didn't. And then it did again in a more casual capacity.
And then it didn't again. For good.
As I was walking through the lobby leaving work the other day, I'm 99% sure I saw him outside. He stopped for a second. I stopped for a second. And we just kept walking.
And this whole slew of memories had been bouncing around in my head ever since.
I Rebuke This Comeback in the Name of Rattails
4 weeks ago
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