Sunday, November 9, 2008

Question of the Day

Whether it's a canary in the coal mine or a waitress in the weeds, idiomatic expressions can sometimes stump us even in our own language. What common expression puzzles you the most?
The cat's meow and the cat's pajamas
I've never really understood either of these. Some find a cat's meow to be annoying, not the greatest thing in the world. And pajamas? The cats pajamas? It baffles.

Sleep like a baby and eat like a bird
I just don't understand these because they don't make any sense. "Sleep like a baby" is usually used to describe sleeping well when in reality, babies are notorious for not sleeping through the night and being fidgety. And most birds? They eat lots!

One hand washes the other
I've actually pondered this while washing my hands because it's very difficult to wash one hand all by itself. You can't thoroughly wash your hands...without one washing the other. I guess it doesn't puzzle me so much as just make common sense.

I'm sure there's more but for now, I have some "getting ready for the week" to do and I'm gonna be quick as a porcupine's hiccup about it!

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