Sunday, October 26, 2008

Question of the Day

I don't care for some of the Question of the Day questions so when that's the case, I'll pick something from the archive instead. This shall be one of those times.

Everyone knows having a crush at the office or in class can make the time pass a little bit quicker. Is it better to keep your crush a secret or tell them how you feel?
"Depends on the situation" definitely could apply to this question but generally, I think that by nature, crushes aren't intended to develop into significant, intimate relationships and having genuine feelings for each other is much different than feeling infatuated and / or having a crush on someone. For me, there's no hidden agenda behind a crush or secret longing.

If it's a crush on someone I barely know, chances are, I'm going to keep my mouth shut because, "hey, we don't know each other but I have a huge crush on you" would make me feel a bit awkward so I assume it would for others as well. But if it's a co-worker or a classmate I'm friends with...I say definitely own up to the crush.

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